1 Application for membership of the Wine Route of Gran Canaria from the Web.
The incorporation will be completely voluntary and will be formalised by presenting a duly completed application form to the Wine Route of Gran Canaria Association.
The applicant will fill in a form with the details of the establishment to join and the contact person/s. Click here..
2 Evaluation of the application by a technical manager
The technical manager will evaluate the application for membership and will make the necessary preliminary checks based on the type of establishment and the Wine Route of Gran Canaria Product Manual and the internal regulations of the Management Body: Wine Route of Gran Canaria Association (RVGC).
3 Information and handing in of the self-evaluation test of the criteria
The responsible technician will make an appointment to meet with the responsible persons of the establishment or activity to become a member and will give them the necessary information about the Wine Route of Gran Canaria and accession process, and will give them the self-evaluation test which will be filled in by the applicant and returned to the responsible technician.
4 Payment of the fee as an aspiring member
The establishment will issue the payment of the stipulated fee to activate the membership process. Once the payment has been made, the establishment will be an aspiring member. The technician will continue with the process once the fee is paid.
5 Appointment of the Concession Committee
The Board of Directors shall designate the composition and members of the Concession Committee. The Concession Committee will be in charge of validating the technical report and resolving the notification.
6 Technical visit
An assessment of the establishment or activity to be added to the project will be carried out to ensure the minimum required compliance. By means of a technical visit of evaluation and verification, the technician will verify compliance with the minimum criteria required for accession.
This technical visit will be previously agreed between the technician and the person responsible for the establishment’s process.
7 Issuance of technical report
The responsible technician will issue a technical report that may be favourable or unfavourable:
In case this is unfavourable, the applicant establishment must adapt and prepare itself to reach the minimum level of compliance, adapting its facilities, processes and services to the minimum required.
The percentage of mandatory and complementary criteria is set out in the defined in the Product Manual and in the internal rules of the association. The adaptation of the establishment can be done individually or with external support, but, in any case, an adaptation or implementation process must be carried out to reach the minimums.
8 Validation and resolution of the technical report
The Concession Committee will validate the technical report and will decide whether or not it is favourable, based on the fulfilment of the criteria.
The resolution issued by the Concession Committee will be notified to the establishment.
If the report is not favourable, the process of adaptation and implementation of the product will begin.
9 Approval as a consolidated or aspiring member
It shall be the decision of the Board of Directors to give final approval and grant consolidated membership.
Once the decision has been communicated by the Board of Directors, the establishment assumes the commitment to maintain the requirements demanded for its incorporation, and any other requirement that the Wine Route of Gran Canaria Association considers opportune for the good functioning and management of the Wine Route of Gran Canaria, will guarantee the continuity of the establishment as a member of the aforementioned Wine Route of Gran Canaria.
Part of this commitment by the aspiring members and the consolidated members, is to be subject to periodic evaluations (annual) by the technical part and the accreditations (biannual) of consolidation of the product at national level.
For the product consolidation will always be evaluated internally, however, the periodic ones are carried out internally. Both consist of measuring the degree of compliance with the obligatory and recommendable criteria established in the Wine Product Manual and the Internal Regulations of the Management Body of the Wine Route of Gran Canaria.
An evaluation report will be issued for each of the evaluations carried out.