

Logo de la DO de Vinos de Gran Canaria

The denomination of origin is the legal recognition and protection granted to a quality wine produced in a specific context and with specific production methods and grape varieties. This recognition and the obligations assumed by the winemaker are reflected in the back label on the wine. This certification guarantees the consumer that the wine complies with all the requirements demanded by the corresponding Regulatory Council.


The Gran Canaria Denomination of Origin was approved in 2006 as a result of the union of the two protected denominations of origin for wines existing at that time on the island: the D.O. del Monte Lentiscal and the D.O. Gran Canaria.


The Monte Lentiscal D.O. was created in 1999 as a result of the determination of a group of winegrowers and winemakers who created in 1994 the Monte Lentiscal Association of Winegrowers and Winemakers. It had the aim of revitalising the almost complete abandonment of vine cultivation in the area, enabling the production of wines in marketable quantities. This initiative made it possible to preserve the wine-growing practices and main characteristics of this landscape, while placating the speculation and urbanisation of the agricultural land.

At the same time, in 1995, the Association of Winemakers and Winegrowers of Gran Canaria was formed, which gathered winemakers and farmers from the rest of the island pursuing similar objectives. This Denomination of Origin was authorised in 2000 with a scope of action covering the whole island with the exception of the Monte Lentiscal area.


In 2004, with the intention of creating a common front for the supply and quality of the wines, the process of unifying the two Denominations of Origin began. It concluded in 2006 with the approval of a common regulation and a new declaration as a Denomination of Origin, which would retain the denomination of “Gran Canaria” in reference to its scope of action.

In deference to its historical values, ethnographic heritage, winemaking tradition, quality of grape production and the specific characteristics of its wines, the Monte Lentiscal area is recognised as a special wine-growing region, and the origin of wines made with grapes grown in this region is expressly indicated on the labelling.